Lee Green Open Studios 2023
11th /12th and 18th /19th November
Application Information
Once again, we would like to see more artists exhibiting in their own homes or studios (Please check the terms and conditions to see if your space is within the boundaries.) Remember, if you offer to host another artist in your venue, you will qualify for a £20 discount!
This year we cannot guarantee your first choice of communal venue.
Please send in a brief supporting statement detailing the nature of your work, to
[email protected] along with 5 images of your work. The 1st image will be treated as yourprimary image for the leaflet, if you are successful. The other images and statement will give us an idea of
whether Lee Green Open Studios is the right place for you to exhibit your work. Use the link below for the online application form. Statement, form and images must be received before your application can be processed.
The images and statement are to be sent to our email address subject: LEAFLET IMAGE Details about the payment of fees and our website will be sent later if you are accepted. Successful artists will be invited to a participants’ meeting in the Manor House Library on September 21st at 6.30pm.
Deadline for application, including statement, the form and 5 images is Saturday July 1st
This year we cannot guarantee your first choice of communal venue.
Please send in a brief supporting statement detailing the nature of your work, to
[email protected] along with 5 images of your work. The 1st image will be treated as yourprimary image for the leaflet, if you are successful. The other images and statement will give us an idea of
whether Lee Green Open Studios is the right place for you to exhibit your work. Use the link below for the online application form. Statement, form and images must be received before your application can be processed.
The images and statement are to be sent to our email address subject: LEAFLET IMAGE Details about the payment of fees and our website will be sent later if you are accepted. Successful artists will be invited to a participants’ meeting in the Manor House Library on September 21st at 6.30pm.
Deadline for application, including statement, the form and 5 images is Saturday July 1st
Applications from current membership
Please apply online using the link at the end of these documents on the website. This year we are asking
for only one image which will be used for the leaflet. Details of our new website will be posted at a later date.
Because you automatically qualify for a place, we would be grateful if you can pay at the same time as applying. This will save all of us some time.
Sort code: 08 92 99
Account No: 65571901,
Name: Lee Green Open Studios (using your name as reference)
Please read terms and conditions below before applying.
Deadline for all applications is Friday July 1st. The annual Library meeting is on September 21st at 6.30pm.
Fee Structure
Individual artist £90 pp
Host artist £70 pp
Image for Leaflet
Your primary image needs to be square in JPEG format with your name and the number 1 as the file name (e.g FredaBloggs1.jpg)
Successful images should: be sharp and in focus, 300 x300 DPI, not be too dark or too light, avoid distracting backgrounds and fill the shot.
You will have the opportunity to submit further images and a profile for the website at a later date.
The image is to be sent to our email address subject: LEAFLET IMAGE. This may be
used on social media as well but extra images for use on social media can also be
sent in a separate e-mail subject SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGES.
If you have any queries regarding your application please contact us:
[email protected]
for only one image which will be used for the leaflet. Details of our new website will be posted at a later date.
Because you automatically qualify for a place, we would be grateful if you can pay at the same time as applying. This will save all of us some time.
Sort code: 08 92 99
Account No: 65571901,
Name: Lee Green Open Studios (using your name as reference)
Please read terms and conditions below before applying.
Deadline for all applications is Friday July 1st. The annual Library meeting is on September 21st at 6.30pm.
Fee Structure
Individual artist £90 pp
Host artist £70 pp
Image for Leaflet
Your primary image needs to be square in JPEG format with your name and the number 1 as the file name (e.g FredaBloggs1.jpg)
Successful images should: be sharp and in focus, 300 x300 DPI, not be too dark or too light, avoid distracting backgrounds and fill the shot.
You will have the opportunity to submit further images and a profile for the website at a later date.
The image is to be sent to our email address subject: LEAFLET IMAGE. This may be
used on social media as well but extra images for use on social media can also be
sent in a separate e-mail subject SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGES.
If you have any queries regarding your application please contact us:
[email protected]
1. The Lee Green Open Studio and management does not accept liability for loss, damage or injury resulting from the actions of members of the public participating in the Lee Green Open Studios event or accept liability for loss, damage or injury resulting from the actions of members of the public at privately owned or commercial properties that have been opened to the public.
2. The Lee Green Open Studios and committee cannot guarantee visitors to your exhibition or event.
3. Your application does not guarantee your participation in the Lee Green Open Studios.
4. As part of your application you must read the Privacy Notice set out on the Lee Green Open Studios Website and confirm your consent to the retention and use of your personal information in accordance with such Privacy Notice and your inclusion on the Lee Green Open Studios Mailing List.
5. You have permission to sell any work exhibited at your venue or host venue.
6. You agree to have your venue/work available for the public to view during the Lee Green Open Studios core hours, the weekends of 11th 12th and 18th,19th November 2023, 11am to 5pm or as advised by the organising committee.
7.. You agree to help promote the Lee Green Open Studios through your networks and help to distribute and display promotional material and leaflets. ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND A PRE- LAUNCH MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 21stth IN THE LIBRARY AT 6.30PM.
8. if you live or work within the Lee Green area and your venue is within the Open Studios area (From Hither Green station to Lee Station / Lee Station to Leegate Centre / Leegate Centre to Manor Park / Manor Park to Hither Green Station) you will have priority over artists from further afield.
9. Lee Green Open Studio management reserves the right to amend supplied copy and images where necessary.
10. Lee Green Open Studios reserves the right to use participating artists’ images when publicising the event through social media, print, posters and leaflets.
11. Applications for the Lee Green Open Studio are per artist and not per venue.
The deadline for applications is Saturday July 1st 2023
2. The Lee Green Open Studios and committee cannot guarantee visitors to your exhibition or event.
3. Your application does not guarantee your participation in the Lee Green Open Studios.
4. As part of your application you must read the Privacy Notice set out on the Lee Green Open Studios Website and confirm your consent to the retention and use of your personal information in accordance with such Privacy Notice and your inclusion on the Lee Green Open Studios Mailing List.
5. You have permission to sell any work exhibited at your venue or host venue.
6. You agree to have your venue/work available for the public to view during the Lee Green Open Studios core hours, the weekends of 11th 12th and 18th,19th November 2023, 11am to 5pm or as advised by the organising committee.
7.. You agree to help promote the Lee Green Open Studios through your networks and help to distribute and display promotional material and leaflets. ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND A PRE- LAUNCH MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 21stth IN THE LIBRARY AT 6.30PM.
8. if you live or work within the Lee Green area and your venue is within the Open Studios area (From Hither Green station to Lee Station / Lee Station to Leegate Centre / Leegate Centre to Manor Park / Manor Park to Hither Green Station) you will have priority over artists from further afield.
9. Lee Green Open Studio management reserves the right to amend supplied copy and images where necessary.
10. Lee Green Open Studios reserves the right to use participating artists’ images when publicising the event through social media, print, posters and leaflets.
11. Applications for the Lee Green Open Studio are per artist and not per venue.
The deadline for applications is Saturday July 1st 2023